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Not sure what the problem is, as qbasic will store text, and the program itself is simple ascii text: '- TEST.BAS OPEN 'TEST' FOR OUTPUT AS #1 PRINT #1, CHR$(34)+'Hello World'+CHR$(34)+'.AAAGH! Such a dated test phrase, ha ha' CLOSE #1 SHELL 'TYPE TEST' PRINT 'DONE HERE.' '- END SNIPPET qbasic IS compileable into executable files if you have BC.EXE, LINK.EXE, and BCOM45.LIB.

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Nito installer xbmc addons. I want to download QBasic. Solved programming in qbasic +977; solved Can I get a QBasic that has been updated to work with Windows 7 but is. QBasic program. Solved How will I download qbasic for PC? Solved i want to download QBasic; solved qbasic 32 bit or 64 for windows 7? Solved programming in qbasic +977. However, I use QBASIC very often to do small scientific calculations, and can't get any of these to run in W8. My BASIC programs, written for pleasure.

Here's a batch that demonstrates the application of these items: @ECHO OFF @ECHO ::the foll allows 1-line-modification of primary control dir in this case 'COMANDS' SET CMD= COMANDS IF '%1' GOTO EXPLAIN:program must be copied to where the compiler & library reside COPY%1.BAS%CMD% pushd%CMD% @ECHO ON BC /X /E /O%1%1.OBJ%1.LST LINK%1,BCOM45.LIB.