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Rock band unplugged dlc song Download rock band unplugged dlc song. Band unplugged dlc song. Rock Band Unplugged is an expansion of the Rock Band series of music video games released for the PlayStation. Once the meter is at least half full.


Hey everyone, I've been trying like a madman to get the DLC tracks for Rock Band Unplugged to work and after days of trying I'm stumped. At this point I don't know if it's the iso, the dlc tracks themselves or the file placement. They're supposed to go in the PSP/GAME folder, but that doesn't work. I've tried putting them in every single combination of folders related to both US and EU versions and still get nothing.

With a PSP CFW you're supposed to use npoloader, but that doesn't work, nor does unpacking the iso, adding the tracks and using umdgen to pack it back up. I'd really love to play the dlc tracks, but I'm at a loss. Can anyone help? ( 09:20 AM)Homo87 Wrote: You need to create a specyfic folder called as the game id is example ULUS10566 and put files inside there if its not working you can't play it simple? I know that's what you're supposed to do, but I've tried every one of the following, none of them work PSP/Game PSP/Game/MUSIC PSP/Game/ULUS10418 PSP/Game/ULUS10418/MUSIC PSP/Game/ULES01243 PSP/Game/ULES01243/MUSIC PSP/SAVEDATA/ULUS10418 PSP/SAVEDATA/ULUS10418/MUSIC PSP/SAVEDATA/ULES01243 PSP/SAVEDATA/ULES01243/MUSIC Like I said, they simply don't work and I can't figure out why.

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I'd be happy to upload a few dlc tracks for anyone to test out to see if they can get them working, but I'm stumped. Im just wonderinf why are those files in savedata directory? You know some games got specyfic region on DLC'S mayby your DLC doesnt fit them plus i can clearly say your game ID is way too long idk how to check it on computer but thats might be a problem thou since emulator read information in hexes but clearly your game ID is not right since its too long i would first checked game ID since its US version it should be ULUS10418 so PSP/GAME/ULUS10418 if that aint work ill own you a head xD My sausage is your sausage just ask for it. SGS3 LTE Octa Core 4.4.3 32GB+64. ( 12:21 AM)Homo87 Wrote: Im just wonderinf why are those files in savedata directory? You know some games got specyfic region on DLC'S mayby your DLC doesnt fit them plus i can clearly say your game ID is way too long idk how to check it on computer but thats might be a problem thou since emulator read information in hexes but clearly your game ID is not right since its too long i would first checked game ID since its US version it should be ULUS10418 so PSP/GAME/ULUS10418 if that aint work ill own you a head xD Ignore the file location, that's just an example of the file types and extensions. It is funny you mention that the game ID is too long, as I didn't create that folder, PPSSPP generated it on it's own.

I don't know why it adds 'S0000000' to the end of the game ID, but I've tried every variation of locations with and without it, still doesn't work. I don't really want to bother him, but I'm tempted to throw this one to Henrik. This should be pretty straightforward, but for whatever reason it just doesn't want to cooperate. Well.I feel stupid. I finally got them working by placing them in the 'PSP GAME ULUS10418 MUSIC' folder, even though I'm 100% positive I'd tried that exact folder before. The strange this is that the savedata folder for the game is still 'ULUS000'. I assumed they would have to match, but apparently that's not the case.

Unfortunately, after exactly 20 seconds every single one simply stops. The game doesn't crash, but the music stops, the lanes stop moving and the background character animations stop. The crowd cheers and lighting effects keep going though. I recorded it so you can see exactly how it behaves (I can't post clickable links, how stupid): http: // youtu.be/xmLm86bf8w.


Hun the save ID doesnt have anything to do with ID and GAME folder idk how the tell you make it work sincr it has to be on ULUS10418 folder not music but seems like it generates/read value from region ID anyway the sizes of your DLC's. Makes me wonder some of them doesnt exceed even 1mb mayby thats why the song is too short you should try for sute other DLC tracks. I know from my own experiance that some games just don't feel like cooperating with games and some of them do just need to get stable latest build. You know whats strange? No one bothered to help you beside me. Just don't sell your soulf and join off topics section. My sausage is your sausage just ask for it.

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SGS3 LTE Octa Core 4.4.3 32GB+64. ( 07:21 AM)Homo87 Wrote: Hun the save ID doesnt have anything to do with ID and GAME folder idk how the tell you make it work sincr it has to be on ULUS10418 folder not music but seems like it generates/read value from region ID anyway the sizes of your DLC's.

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Makes me wonder some of them doesnt exceed even 1mb mayby thats why the song is too short you should try for sute other DLC tracks. I know from my own experiance that some games just don't feel like cooperating with games and some of them do just need to get stable latest build. You know whats strange?

No one bothered to help you beside me. Just don't sell your soulf and join off topics section. I didn't really expect anyone to help to begin with, so thank you for trying. As for the file location, idk, that's what the game wanted. I tried every other folder to place the dlc in and that's the only one that worked. Here's what the files look like for each one:.Obviously the 13mb file there is the actual song, some are larger/smaller depending on the length of the track, but it's a complete file as far as I can tell.The 'text folder is just language data for the menus (EN/FR/GE/IT/SP). The 'preview.at3' file is the clip it plays when selecting the song from the menu, they're all tested and working.

The only thing I'm not sure of is the '2009' file there, the one that's 0kb. Every track has a file like that, all beginning with 2009, every one is 0kb. So, they all work, but they all stop for no explainable reason after exactly 20 seconds. I think I'm gonna hang it up for a while unless anyone else wants to jump in here and see what they can come up with.

You know what O.o i just noticed that in few of ny games music hangs after few secconds as well O.O and i can clearly say it happens about 20-30secs of gameplay thing occurs in Tactics Ogre,P3P,Valkyrie Profile,Dragon Ball series and few other but whats more important i got music in build 430 mayby try installing this one? Or you know i can't really tell the difference since im playing on phone.- but if music was ok on this build on android should be ok with windows try and tell if it works My sausage is your sausage just ask for it.

SGS3 LTE Octa Core 4.4.3 32GB+64. I'm on windows and using the latest core build (0.9.8), but I haven't had issues with music in any other game since Atrac3+ support was integrated in 0.9.5. Like I said earlier, though, all the tracks included with Rock Band Unplugged play perfectly all the way through, it's only the DLC tracks that lock up. I just got Dark Souls II, so I'm not gonna worry about it for a while. Maybe I'l try again after a new build is released and see what happens, but for now I think I'm done messing with it.

Thanks again for all the help, cheers!