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Software Installer MYOB versi 13,15,17,18. Yang saya siapkan ini adalah myob v 18 versi asia yang banyak digunkan untuk. Windows 7 Menggunakan NERO 8.

Hi MYOB Premier v11 is a version prior to MYOB's release of AccountRight. All versions of MYOB prior to AccountRight v19.8 Plus, Premier and Enterprise do not work on Windows 8.x and as a result not on Windows 10 either. To use the MYOB software on Windows 10, I recommend trying to upgrade to MYOB's AccountRight Premier v19.8 This is simply an upgrade on MYOB's premier and have seen this work on Windows 10 on other threads on this forum. That being said, the list on MYOB is currently not showing Windows 10, which means MYOB have not yet completed testing on Windows 10 just yet. Hope this helps! Hi, I am using AccountRight Premier v19 currently, and considering to upgrade from windows 8.1 to windows 10.


Is that MYOB AccountRight Premier v19 compatible with windows 10. Please advise. I understand if I upgraded the MYOB to AccountRight Premier V19.8, then it should be no problem with Windows 10, however I am considering my colleague who is sharing my MYOB files, she is using Windows Vista which she bought it 10 years ago (approx). I am not sure if I upgraded my MYOB to v19.8, would that be affecting her using my MYOB file. Your prompt reply and advice would be appreciated.

Regards Doan. Hi Tingety, Thanks for the advice and prompt reply. Another things I would like to confirm; If I upgraded to MYOB AccountRight Premier v19.11, what procedure I need to do, does it affecting the following: 1. The old version - do I need to uninstall it before I install the new version 2. Click Yes program that was fixing the problem for emailing statements, do I need to unstall it and reinstall it after upgrading. And what else I need to concern. Your advice and assistance in this issue would be appreciated.

Regards Doan. Hi there, It's absolutely fantastic to see has been so helpful in assisting you with your queries thus far. While it is not necessary to uninstall the older version of the software, if you have no need for it's use anymore, it may be worth going ahead and uninstalling the program to free up space and to ensure you don't get confused between the two versions. When installing AccountRight v19.11, please ensure you select the 'AccountRight 19.11 Full Installer' (as listed in ), instead of the update file. You may find our support note to be of help through this process. As for Click Yes, it is my understanding that you will not need to uninstall and reinstall the application, and should be able to use it as per normal without issue. Please do let us know how you go, and feel free to post again should you have any other queries.

Myob Versi 13 Windows 8

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