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타블로 - 당신의 조각들 (영문판) 타블로가 보물처럼 품어온 젊은 날의 비밀과 흥분을 써내려간 그때 그 시절의 원문!! 이번에 출간된 영문판은 번역과정에서 일부 살리지 못한 타블로만의 번뜩이는 문장과 분위기를 있는 그대로 담아냈다. 번역이 아닌 그가 쓴 영문 그대로를 통해 그의 세계를 더욱 자세히 들여다보고 싶어 했던 독자들의 열망으로 탄생하게 되었다. 이번 영문판에는 「스트로베리 필즈 포에버」 「휴식」 「쥐」 「우리들 세상의 벽」 「안단테」 등『당신의 조각들』에 등장하는 소설 10편이 모두 실려 있다. 그러나 사진을 빼내고 삽화를 넣어 또다른 느낌의 한 권의 책이 탄생했다. 힙합그룹 '에픽하이'의 멤버 겸 리더. 1980년에 태어난 그는 인도네시아, 스위스, 홍콩 등지에서 어린 시절을 보냈다.

Home > GOODS > TABLO (Epik High) - Pieces Of You (English Novel) TABLO (Epik High) - Pieces Of You. Artist: TABLO (Epig High) Title: Pieces Of You (English Novel).


Pieces of you tablo pdf

Daniel Armand Lee

고등학교 재학 시절에는 폐간된 교내 문학잡지 「망원경」을 되살려 편집장으로 활동했고, 스탠포드 대학에서는 작가 토비아스 울프가 지휘하는 창작문예/영문학과를 최우수로 졸업했다. 영문학으로 석사학위를 받았으며 대학 안과 밖에서 연극연출 문학잡지 단편영화 등의 다양한 활동을 했다. 뉴욕에서 독립영화 조감독으로 활동하던 시절, 할렘에서의 생활을 계기로 음악을 시작했다.

2003년 1집 앨범 Map Of The Human Soul로 데뷔한 '에픽하이'는 2005년에 Mnet KM 뮤직비디오 페스티벌 힙합부문상, 제20회 골든디스크상 힙합상, KBS 가요대상 올해의 가수상, SBS 가요대전 힙합부문상 등을 휩쓸고 2006년 MBC 연기대상 라디오부문 우수상, 2007년 제22회 골든디스크상 디스크 부문 본상, 2008년 제5회 대중음악상 최우수힙합앨범상을 수상하는 등, 현재 국내 힙합씬에서 가장 성공한 힙합그룹이다. 리더를 맡고 있는 타블로는 에픽하이에서 작사 및 작곡, 랩 등을 맡고 있다. 현재는 MBC FM4U 「타블로의 꿈꾸는 라디오」의 DJ로 활동하며 거침없는 언변과 자신만의 색깔로 ‘타블로 월드’를 구축해가고 있다. Interesting Customer Review Rated Bad 10 - 10 out of 10 I love how Tablo's mind is a bit dark yet it feels wide.

Each story can have a different lesson or meaning to the reader and it's great because somehow as someone going through struggles in finding where I wanna be and what I want to do with my life, it's solace. That silent comfort from reading a story or two and realising everyone goes through a few mishaps what matters is how you react to them; either you make it break you or use it as a lesson to better yourself. 2 people found this review helpful Let's get real here. Customer Review Rated Bad 10 - 10 out of 10 I see some of the reviews on here complaining that the book is bleak and depressing; here's the thing - life is not a dance on rose petals. Tablo - like any other human being on this planet - has been through hardhips. Some people paint to deal with their problems, some people dance and some people go for a run - Tablo writes. When I'm really bothered by something, I write too and maybe that's why I absolutely love this book.

It's not a self-biography - far from - however, it does give you small glimpses into the artist that is Tablo. By that, I don't mean that it tells you how tall he is or where he prefers to go for lunch - no, it's far more complex than that. Soul calibur ii ost rar.

Tablo is an artist. You need to keep that in mind. I don't really get what some of these fans in the reviews section were expecting - this book was never promoted as an autobiography or anything like that. It says 'Pieces of You' not 'Pictures of Tablo's perfect life in the Narnia of Kpop'. This is a lovely collection of little odd short stories. I love this book and find it to be worth every single penny. However, if you're expecting a book of paragraph after paragraph about how Tablo is SOOO thankful to all his fans and SOOO happy about life all the time - don't get this book.

Get it because you like the ARTIST Tablo. Because you like the HUMAN Tablo. Not the 'ideal kpop idol'-Tablo ^^)/. 2 people found this review helpful The best! Customer Review Rated Bad 10 - 10 out of 10 I am huge english literature fan and obviously, a Tablo fan too so I had to buy this. And I am more than pleased.

The design is really simple but that makes it even prettier I think. It's hardcover and the binder feels really soft, kind of vellum-like.

I really like that 'pieces of you' is written with a copper-gold-like colour and that it's a bit shiny. The first two and last two pages are set in sepia (it's gold on first glance but no, it's actually sepia.) and contain a short but really pretty poem and Tablo's signature. The cover has, on the inside, a small biography of Tablo (which is normal for books but I still thought it was nice) When reading, you might stumble across black-and-white illustrations every here and then, normally fitting t the story and the line spacing is quite huge so it's easy and comfortable to read (only 16 lines per page). The book also has a black bookmark attached in the middle (a string, nice and simple, fitting to the design) The stories itselfs are hard to describe, they're just deep and really beautiful. Whoever liked Epik High and Tablo's lyrics might as well like this. The only negative thing I have to say, is that the binder shifs quite a lot (which is the reason why I normally take them off from the beginning, but this is just too beautiful!) and it's edges curve easily.

All in all, I am really, really happy with this! It's something I will read more than twice or thrice!