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Redesigned interface with razor-sharp graphics, crisp text, and shiny new icons rendered at full Retina Display resolution. Supports macOS Sierra and remains compatible with OS X 10.6 and higher. MegaSeg is now pure Cocoa to its core! A major 'under the hood' improvement which results in numerous UI refinements, and sets a solid foundation for new features moving forward.

The current song view (with mixer hidden) can now be scaled or zoomed by dragging a divider icon and it maintains a scaled ratio when resizing the window. Automatic song trimming now uses a smart volume sensing technique for improved segues, especially with cold and clean endings. The Playlist Browser now displays all track info with many sort, search, and display options. Decks have a refreshed layout featuring a track's full waveform overview.

MegaSeg for Mac Download - Professional DJ and radio automation. MegaSeg full version, ICQ 7.5 Build 5255, Best Full Screen Caller 3.02, Totally Catholic Trivia, Full Version 1.2.

Stylish album art progress rings keeps you alert of a track's remaining time. Events can be accurately scheduled down to the second. Video Overlay displays “lower-third” track info with your custom logo and background images, including optional fly-in animations.

Search is now integrated into all Library and Playlist views (even the Playlist Browser!) This not only gives you more room to type, but can also target your search to a specific list, category, or field. View Logs using date ranges, and export in custom formats (including BMI’s Electronic Music Report). Restrict Daypart feature in the Edit dialog's History & Dates tab allows you to limit the hours of day a track will play. (For example, nights only.). New! Events adds a 'Priority' flag option to prevent other 'insert events' from preceding them before play. There’s a new Options field with three possible settings, Interrupt, Priority, or Standard.

The Interrupt mode displays a hand icon, and Priority mode is a red flag. Clicking in the Options column toggles between modes. Album artwork now pulses to alert when a track is ending.

Mixer loop waveform display with editable fine-tuned in/out points. Drag the edges of the Loop waveform view, or use Shift/Control with I/O keys (e.g. Shift-I to move the In-point forward, Control-I to move the In-point backward). Also the K key now toggles between Exit and Reloop. Color settings now affect the entire main interface (buttons and all) for a more uniform appearance. And yes, this supports inverse color schemes as well. The Mixer includes improved EQ controls.

Events and Scheduler views are now fully resizable and easier to read with larger text. The Scheduler now automatically reconciles all played tracks (even manually inserted) as “most rested” for improved rotations. This also eliminates rotation issues when a track is in multiple categories.

Edit dialog's Fade-Override setting can now be used to setup a hybrid or split-backtime scenario if you set a custom segue time greater than 5 seconds from end of the track's native length. This allows for music beds or stagers to play over half of a track, and backtime the remaining segment. (Note, do not check 'Voice-over' to enable this feature. Use only Fade-Override and a custom segue time.).

Full Version Forever

New! Streaming: Playing a live stream now displays, relays, and logs metadata. MIDI Presets for American Audio's VMS5 and Pioneer's DDJ-SB2. The Event’s Insert URL function now supports podcast feeds to play the newest episode.

Metadata support for TM Century's music library WAV file tags. Logging preset for TuneIn in the 'Send track info to server' options.

Web Command Interface adds InsertBreak, VoteUp, VoteDown, and Skip commands. Events's Insert Break (Serial Trigger) option now supports the USB Trigger from Sensorium Embedded for resume segue. Playlist files can now include a 'Marker track' used to separate and label playlist sections with a header, comment, or reminder, using the format ':marker TEXT-TO-DISPLAY'. Playlists supports using the new Marker function to flag the top of each hour and automatically skip forward if an hour goes over (i.e. Purposefully overloaded). Events's Insert Break (Serial Trigger) can have a custom Segue Timeout settings in seconds.

(Use 0 seconds to disable timeout, and defaults to 305 seconds or 5:05). New! Support for a global initial-state preferences file for multiuser systems. You can place a MegaSeg plist file in any of the following supported paths: /Library/Application Support/MegaSeg/ /Shared/Library/Applications Support/MegaSeg/ /Shared/Library/MegaSeg/ /Shared/MegaSeg/. New! Added

Optimized video playback and upscaling efficiency. Wave View supports dropping tracks on it to load corresponding decks. VUs and WaveViewer now show proper Automatic Volume Control gain applied. Various 'floating pallet' windows no longer disappear or alternatively keep floating over other apps when app switching, and remain visible within MegaSeg's window layer.

The old Find Notes menu command is now integrated into main Library's Search popup menu. Scrollbars properly respond to the scroll wheel when moused over the scrollbar area. Requests: Select All + Delete key properly clears green highlight and notes for all tracks, not just the last clicked track in the multiple selection group. Playlist Browser: Now opens and displays large playlists fully multithreaded. Library, Category, and Playlist Browsers have faster and smoother view swapping animations. Full Screen mode now supports the new 'spaces' mechanism on OS X 10.7 and higher.

Full Screen Mode is no longer forced on the 11' MacBook Air. Folders View updated to match main interface, including new search field header, proper drag-n-drop effects, and optimized when expanding folders in large libraries. Fixed a bug where scrollbars would be intermittently remain visible when tab-switching apps.

Decks: BPM Tap button now works in real-time without a modal dialog. Simply tap a few beats until satisfied. Category Browser: Supports dragging tracks directly into category list to add tracks to a category. (Use the Option key to replace existing categories instead of appending.).

Alert dialogs uses modern animation style on OS X 10.7+. Hot Keys: Scrolls to and selects a dropped track, and Set Key dialog is now a sheet and can be canceled with Escape or Command-Period. Ambient Playlist features better drag-n-drop support, including multi-select drag from the Playlist Browser, and dragging tracks into the Decks, Wave Viewer, Hot Keys, and Events. Folders View now works better with URL tracks.

New in MegaSeg 6.0.1. Album artwork progress rings now scale according to available space. Automatic Volume Control works correctly with video tracks. Find command (Command-F) now performs a global ‘All Categories’ search. Resolved an issue which affected selecting, dragging, or deleting Break Tracks.

Scheduler uses a new rotation shuffle method to protect against repeats. Sorting playlists now changes the fields shown while in one or two-row mode. The triumphant return of the beloved Seg & Set button. Category Settings: Rotation Order list scrolls to Cue Position by default. Downloaded Insert URL tracks can now be edited to set the volume and title/artist info. Fixed a bug that prevented downloaded files via Insert URL events from playing.

Fixed a bug when editing an event where a second click would exit edit mode instead of deselect text. iTunes playlist folders at the end of the list can be expanded properly.

Opening the Playlist Browser while the Search field has focus no longer causes the Search field to disappear and library to display. Expanding an iTunes playlist folder properly refreshes the scrollbar. Resolved an intermittent issue that caused an error or stall while loading album artwork. Fixed a bug where it would log a blank line after an open playlist event.

Fixed a logging bug where ignored tracks sent 'N/A' or 'Empty Title' to streaming servers. Fixed an error when using logging FTP upload mode.

Resolved an initialization issue if macOS asks to reopen windows on launch. Fixed a possible crash when importing a large number of files from a folder. Fixed a rare error when saving a playlist to iTunes. Fixed a possible error while resizing the window with VU Meters enabled. Fixed an issue clicking Settings while a sheet dialog is visible. Resolved issues when exiting full screen after changing resolutions. Resolved a possible issue where excessive podcasts could slow things down.

Fixed an error while searching more than 100,000 tracks. Resolved an issue that prevented canceling an import. Fixed possible Scheduler conflicts while viewing the Category Setting's Rotation Order tab. Resolved a possible error when using HTTP logging with authentication required. Fixed a bug preventing Playlist Browser's Prefix button from working with playlist schedules. Major speed optimizations when sorting large playlists.

Optimized loading iTunes playlists with improved progress display in the list footer. Playlist’s duration display no longer switches to a coarse hour view after two hours.

Reduced VU meter and WaveViewer CPU usage. Sorting while search results are displayed works correctly. The Select Playlist sheet can now delete playlists with the Delete key. The selection-flash is more graceful when double-clicking to promote a track in the playlist.

VU Meters now match your color preferences. Various other optimizations, including faster scan for missing files, startup speed, importing, etc. New in MegaSeg 6.0.2.

New MIDI Preset for Pioneer DDJ-SX2 controller. Add 5 Random command now works correctly when searching within a category or playlist. Button icons are better proportioned.

Changing Cue Position no longer stops the deck if the 'deck is playing' dialog is canceled. Changing Cue Position via Remote or MIDI reloads the deck consistently. Cue Position buttons display correctly at startup when restoring playlist. Double-click to add Track from category search results works correctly. Double-clicking a track to cue next no longer displays multiple 'deck is playing' warnings. Edit Next works correctly when searching within a category or playlist.

Fixed a few rare startup issues. Fixed a rare issue importing iTunes tracks from a file server. Fixed a rare issue opening logs after restoring from a backup. Fixed a rare leak when viewing iTunes playlists on OS X 10.7. Overall segue speeds have been optimized. Print command now displays the total duration, track count, and works with search results.

Repetitive use of the 'Edit Next' button no longer leads to an error. Resolved a rare stability issue. Resolved an issue reading MegaSeg Tags when reimporting files. Resolved an issue where advancing too fast twice in a row could stop the track.

Resolved an issue where the track duration would be wrong for certain audio formats. Resolved an issue with the 'time away' display for playlist Break Tracks.

Saving or deleting a MegaSeg playlist properly refreshes the scrollbar. The 'Add All' button properly adds the search results from a category or playlist.

The Auto-save Library option now also saves once-a-day. The library count now displays correctly after using the Remove Folders command. The Segue button prevents accidental double-clicks. Toggling Auto mode while decks are stopped now updates the time and waveform instantly. Unnecessary Menu commands aren't enabled while dialogs are displayed. When editing a track in the All Categories search results, the track stays selected and scrolled in view. When searching and toggling between categories or playlists, it properly updates the search results in all cases.

While performing a multi-select edit, the VU meter is no longer displayed. Added a warning dialog when the Global Start/End Time settings are enabled. Clicking the compact view's current song info consistently selects the deck. Events: Auto-saves the current event list when opening a different list.

Events: Fix for Insert Break (Serial Trigger) connections when the serial device appears 2nd in the port list. Events: Fixed a bug where 'Open Playlist' events didn't display the playlist name above the playlist queue. Events: Fixed a bug where Insert URL with pre-download would fail if neither the Interrupt or Priority options were set. Events: Fixed a threading error when using Insert URL events. Events: Fixed an issue when using 'Insert Break (Serial Trigger)' and manually segueing out of the break, it now properly stops listening for the trigger. Events: Improved error reporting when using 'Insert Break (Serial Trigger)'. Events: Insert Break (Serial Trigger) can now toggle the Mic On during the break.

Events: Insert Break (Serial Trigger) saves the port using a character code to avoid possible index changes. Events: Using Insert URL with podcast feeds and the 'pre-download time' option now works correctly. It also follows any redirects from the server. Events: When pasting URLs into the Insert URL dialog, Return characters are trimmed so the URL remains visible. Fixed a bug that prevented voice track back-timing and Global End Time setting from working correctly.

In the compact view (Mixer hidden), track info no longer pops up when hovering over transport controls. Insert URL events now works with.xml and ATOM format podcast feeds, as well as URLs that end with '/feed'. Feeds not ending with.rss,.xml, or /feed can be recognized using the feed:// protocol. Insert URL events with an '@' anywhere in the path now work correctly. Insert URL: Fixed a bug when polling for streaming metadata which resulted in a connection error.

Library Tools: File Renamer properly shows progress dialog. Library Tools: Highly optimized Refresh Play Count command. Logging: Insert Playlist events are now logged as such.

Playlist Browser consistently displays the selected playlist name. Removing tracks from the Request List clears the associated notes. The Schedule Now button now uses the schedule's name if saved. Various other UI tweaks and interface improvements. New in MegaSeg 6.0.3. New MIDI Preset for Numark's NS7 controller.

Break tracks work correctly while using Discrete Output Mode. Fixed a rare error when canceling the Edit Categories dialog using Escape key. Clicking the Playlist Browser's Open or Prefix buttons works correctly while the playlist is still loading. Resolved a possible crash when importing many files at once and/or opening a large iTunes playlist.

Resolved an issue where the iTunes Playlists scrollbar wouldn't refresh if needing to ask for iTunes Library access. The track's bitrate is displayed in the info popups and in 3-row display mode (currently left view only). Time display isn't cut off for tracks over 100 minutes. Fixed a possible Unsupported Format message when logging a song. Album artwork displays correctly when both the Mixer is hidden and Discrete Output Mode is enabled. Drag-n-dropping tracks into the Category Browser now prompts for Admin Mode password when enabled.

The Insert URL event dialog now allows entering file:/// protocol URLs. New in MegaSeg 6.0.3 – Hot Fix 1. Resolved an issue with displaying correct bitrates on certain systems. Resolved a possible issue importing non-standard file formats via plugins. New in MegaSeg 6.0.3 – Hot Fix 2.

New Mixer keyboard shortcuts for Loop 1/2 (H) and Loop 2x (J). MIDI Loop 1/2 and 2x buttons refreshes the loop waveform, and now works correctly with video. MIDI: Fixed bug with double-clicking to edit MIDI values.

MIDI: General Preview stays on consistently. Fixed a bug with Mid EQ adjustments while playing video or protected audio files. Fixed a bug with Mixer keyboard shortcuts to adjust Loop In with Shift/Control-I keys. Fixed a possible stall when playing many videos in a row.

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Fixed a bug when using Insert URL and the file:/// protocol for longer tracks. Logging: The default NowPlaying.html file now avoids server cacheing. Sorting an iTunes Playlist by Date Added works correctly if tracks were not previously imported via the Import dialog. The Library's Category and Bitrate fields no longer overlap in 3-row display mode. New in MegaSeg 6.0.4. New MIDI Presets for the NI Kontrol S4 MK2 and Denon MC6000 MK2 controllers.

Output channel settings now only lists the actual channels available for a particular audio device. Automatic Volume Control responds faster, especially in handling higher dynamic or ambient style tracks, and adjustments are visible at lower boost levels. Changing the Library sort order affects the tertiary metadata shown in the Playlist queue. Drag-n-drop of tracks from the Finder or iTunes into the Playlist queue is always in the correct order. Edit: The Tab key can now advance past the Album field. Fixed a bug involving duration discrepancies between metadata and actual audio length. Fixed a bug where mono audio files would not play.

Fixed a bug where the Play Count could go negative when segueing early out of a track with zero plays. Fixed a bug where the playlist duration rounded up to 24 hours.

Fixed a segue fade bug while the next track's Segue Fade Override option was enabled and a custom cue-in time set. Fixed an issue where the Folders sort view could display odd results if a filename contains many slashes. Import: Drag-n-drop of a Finder folder can now be canceled.

Import: Fixed a possible crash when using the Import Folder option many times in a row. Import: The 'iTunes Library' import option now includes the Comments tag. Import: Using keyboard shortcuts to close the Import dialog no longer beeps. Import reads an m4a file's Sort Composer tag if available. Import via drag-n-drop from Finder into the Playlist queue is faster.

Importing AIFF files now supports ID3 tags. List footers use a larger font when there is room. MIDI: Fixed an issue with the Pioneer DDJ-SB2 preset for the right deck's volume control. MIDI: Refinements to the Numark NS7 and Denon MC6000 Presets. Optimized segues, especially involving short IDs and jingles.

Playlists: Fixed a bug where an m3u playlist using file:// paths wouldn't import missing tracks. Search: The left search field now defaults to a 'global' search mode, with a new pop-up menu option to switch into a 'Filter List' mode. The Command-F shortcut also cycles between modes. Search: The search fields are now larger, and fixed a bug where the field would collapse while toggling the category or playlist views. Search: When a search field is active but not focused, clicking the icon properly brings up the options menu.

The Playlist Browser's Prefix button now includes playlist Break tracks. The Playlist queue's footer now always shows the selected track's relative time regardless of how far away.

When first launched, if the app is not in the Applications folder, it asks if it should be moved there. When the left list is not focused, a selected track's 'in-playlist mark' now matches the foreground color. Edit: Changing the Restrict Start Date updates the '(x days)' range display. Events: All Events files are displayed even if the file types are lost. Events: Fixed a bug with Insert Track events where similar title-only metadata could result in the wrong track being inserted. Events: Fixed a possible issue where an event might be missed if coinciding with an auto segue. Events: Fixed an Insert URL bug where a downloaded track could have the wrong duration when not using the Pre-download option.

Events: Fixed an Insert URL bug while using second-accurate events and the Pre-download option. Events: Fixed an Insert URL bug using the Interrupt option while nothing was currently playing. Events: Import Files events no longer blocks interface updates and segues while processing. Events: Sorting the 'Time' column works correctly for second-based events. Fixed a possible stray 'One Moment' dialog at startup.

Logging: Fixed an HTML formatting bug in 'Error logging to server' reports. Logging: Fixed an issue when using a custom Now Playing template and selecting a folder location the same as the default location. You can now also change the filename as well. Network: The MegaSeg System Name is now trimmed of trailing spaces to resolve a possible conflict with Dropbox.

Play History: Fixed an issue when the window size was too large for the current screen. Preview: Fixed a possible crash if trying to preview an unauthorized Protected audio file. Scheduler: Added an option in the Category Settings for the new 'Multiple Category Reconciliation' feature, which moves any played track into the least-rested position for all assigned categories. Streaming: Fixed a bug when playing a stream from older Icecast servers where HTML could appear in the album field instead of the current track info. The Show File menu command is now protected by Administration Mode.

Track info popups again shows the Restrict Play Dates, if set. Video: Resolved a possible issue with dropped frames while segueing or cueing a track. Various minor UI tweaks. New in MegaSeg 6.0.4 – Hot Fix 1.

Library and Playlist views now allow the Title field to stretch across multiple columns when those fields are empty. List headers display a sort menu arrow when moused over. MP2 Files are routed to the correct output device in all cases. Playlist queue's selected track consistently shows start time with seconds. Resolved an issue with stuck search field animations. Search icon now has a wider click target area making it easier to open.

Search icon now shows a menu arrow when focused. The Preview player again respects the saved pitch setting. Toggling from a global search to the Category or Playlists views clears the search. When finished setting the BPM via Spacebar taps in the Edit dialog, the keyboard focus remains in the BPM field. Fixed a bug preventing searching within the Folders view. Fixed a bug that could cause importing of odd MegaSeg Tag data.

Fixed a bug where a scrollbar could be left on screen after using the Save Playlist dialog. Fixed a possible error when using the 'Move to Applications folder' feature. Fixed a rare error which occurred only if no audio output devices were present. Events: Interrupt and Priority icons now display captions for clearer usability. Optimized Events and Scheduler window resizing.

The Requests List now displays correctly when the search field is active. Toggling out of the Requests view can now return to the Playlists view.

New in MegaSeg 6.0.5. A workaround for limited playback support of protected tracks, affecting users who upgraded to iTunes 12.7.2 or High Sierra. (Some restrictions apply. Batteries not included. Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball.).

Support for native FLAC playback on High Sierra. Fixed an issue where tracks without a file extension would be removed from the library each launch. Fixed issue displaying album artwork in ID3 tagged AIFF files on High Sierra. Fixed list footers displaying an invalid popup menu icon. Import: The iPod option is now hidden unless a classic iPod is detected. Playlist Browser: If a selected playlist is modified and saved while the Playlist Browser is hidden, it will correctly show the updated playlist when the browser is reopened.

Preferences: Fixed a bug where changing the output device might not be remembered. Preferences: Output channel options should now display correctly for all devices. Removed duplicate 'Downloaded' iTunes playlists. Events: Fixed a bug where 'Every 60 Minutes' events wouldn't trigger at Midnight. Events: Fixed an issue where event times would become offset if the Mac was put to sleep for a long time.

Events: Fixed positioning of the Randomize Playlist checkbox. Fixed an issue on macOS High Sierra involving displaying playlists and events in sorted order. Fixed an issue where EQ wouldn't appear to match when segueing a video track. Logging: Added log exporting preset for 'NPR Digital Services' format. Resolved a rare issue where Insert URL events could lockup with certain odd server types.

Video: Fixed a bug where it failed to display how to exit the full screen video window with the Escape key. Video: Full Screen Mode supports full screen on screen indexes higher than two. New in MegaSeg 6.0.5 – Hot Fix 1. Fixed an issue where the new 'protected workaround mode' was enabled on non-affected systems. Fixed a bug where FLAC files did not include metadata on High Sierra.

MegaSeg is a complete solution for pro audio/video DJ mixing, radio automation, and music scheduling with rock-solid performance and an easy-to-use design. Mix with visual waveforms and Magic Trackpad cue and sync. Preview tracks with optional audio outputs and MIDI control.

Enjoy fast access and elegant management of your iTunes library, including iTunes Match. Segue or beat-mix between songs or music videos, trigger sound effects via hot keys, note requests via color-coded request lists, cue and preview tracks via multiple sound outputs, create dynamic scheduled playlists, program automatic playlist events, and more. Full iTunes library and playlist integration, including iTunes Match.


Visually sync beats in real-time with the waveform viewer. Use Multi-touch trackpad gestures for cue-scrub, pitch shift, and sync. Kick back on autopilot with automatic segues. Change the font face, color, and size. Preview and cue songs in your headphones with multiple audio outputs. Supports any MIDI controller.

Compatible with older protected iTunes tracks. Rock-steady with superior program stability. Built from the ground up to work exclusively on the Mac. Play-history logs and auto-saved playlists. Adjust tempo with pitch lock (time-stretch). Events to auto-start playlists and insert tracks. Request List with reminder notes.

Scheduler for playlist generation. Color Code categories and tracks. Hot Keys to trigger sound effects.

Full HD video playback. Rules to separate artist’s tracks. Mic Play-thru with volume ducking. Ambient Playlist for continuous visuals. And much more.