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NIV Bible (New International Version Holy Bible) is given below for free download as PDF. Click on the above link to download the New International Version Holy Bible PDF. History of NIV Bible – The New International Version project was started after a meeting in 1965 at Trinity Christian College in Palos Heights, Illinois between the Christian Reformed Church, National Association of Evangelicals, and a group of international scholars. The New York Bible Society (now Biblica) was selected to do the translation. The New Testament was released in 1973 and the full Bible in 1978. From the beginning, the NIV was met with great enthusiasm.

By December of 1978 over 1,200,000 copies had been sold. Since then, the NIV has undergone numerous reprintings, and many different specialized editions have been released. Want the King James Version? These 2 versions – NIV and KJV – are the most popular versions of Holy Bible available now. Which one is better? Which one should you choose?

The church should have never left Bible. (see but they are available separately as PDF. Download NIV Bible PDF. NIV Bible (New International Version Holy Bible) is given here for free download as a PDF file. Which is better: NIV or KJV?

A great comparison was made between the NIV and KJV Bible versions. What they say about the KJV is true, entire words and phrases are deleted and omitted from the recent versions, or a similar but different phrase which does not mean the same thing is put in. For the first 1600 years Christians had the majority text in Greek and other languages, but the Catholic church got the texts written by the Alexandrians from whom we get the “critical text” in your current “Bibles” which has all the changes(see Acts 6:9) They made this into the catholic latin vulgate, the Rheims in english, and murdered any layperson who was not clergy who owned a bible, until the invention of the printing press when they no longer could control how many books were made anymore.

The reformation happened and the rest is History. They bitterly tried to defeat Tyndale and the lollards for getting it into English, but when they couldn’t kill you and burn you bible, they sufficed to flood the market with hole-ey bibles. Thus you have 50+? Versions all based on the minority critical text from the Alexandrian gnostic cult in Egypt, mentioned in Acts 6.

I would use the KJV and when possible he 1984 NIV which I grew up with. If this is indeed the 1984 NIV and not one of the terrible “updates” to it, great.

If not, not so great. Somebody needs to check this one to see if it is. “Then there arose certain of the synagogue, which is called the synagogue of the Libertines, and Cyrenians, and Alexandrians, and of them of Cilicia and of Asia, disputing with Stephen.” Acts 6:9. Hi Desmond, As we are providing the NIV Bible in PDF format, searching inside the downloaded PDF Bible file is very easy. Use Ctrl+F keys while the PDF file is open on your computer.

You have to press the F key while the Ctrl key is kept pressed. This key combination will open the search box inside the PDF where you can type in your Bible chapter name or verse keywords to search for them in the entire NIV Bible PDF.

Html Bibles

Html bible indexPdf

Hope this helps. Please let us know if you have further difficulty in finding verses or chapters using this method. We will be happy to help you. God Bless You, Georgy.

Hi Georgy, I really appreciate your response to my request. But, you know, I did that even before my request. I don’t know but.I’m not used to pressing stuffs on people. I have something from one bible historian I’d like to show you. He programmed his in such a way that makes its use very simple.can I get ya personal contact or something.so you can study his and see how to modify this one for us. I’m sure if you should do it that way, will be very helpful.I really need it cos what I’ve got from the other guy is KJV version but only OT.

Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks, Desmond.


Hi N.Gibrown, friend, the Lord Jesus Christ is the only Savior.without Him in your life, I’m sorry but I can’t think I can polish this for you in any other way anyone who don’t have Jesus Christ in their life are set on the path to hell! The Bible says in Acts 4:12;( Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved).

Again in the book of John 14:6; this is from Jesus himself.( Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me.”) N.G trust me, not by my intelligence or anything I know but if you don’t mind, I’d be glad to open up some few other things to you so you get better understanding. Let me know so I give you my contact. God bless you, desmond.