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  1. Bakemonogatari 13
  2. Bakemonogatari Episode 13

'Tsubasa Cat, Part 3' (つばさキャット 其ノ參, Tsubasa Kyatto Sono San) is the thirteenth episode of the. Watch Bakemonogatari Season 1 Episode 13: Tsubasa Cat - Part 3 online. SideReel features links to all your favorite TV shows. The series debuted with Bakemonogatari and aired 12 episodes. She asks him to kiss her in the same manner she asked him out at the beginning of the episode.

Well, i suppose this anime really isn't for everybody. Since the plot is quite dull for an anime about supernatural beings, but it was intended to be that way so the focus of the anime would shift away from the supernatural events and closely examine the characters and explore how each character deals with the oddities. Lots of the jokes, whether it was funny or not, all seemed pretty original (especially when all the jokes tie in so well with the characters) and even if some of the jokes were kinda hit and miss, i still love Bakemonogatari for trying to be different from the other animes. People may also have had high expectations for it before release, since it's a Shaft anime but can it rele be considered overrated when they did such a good job (in terms of character developments, anime design and animation)? I don't think it's overrated at all.

EternalDreamer said: This must be this years most OVERRATED anime. Gets real boring really fast, though I have not grown any particular interested in this series or liked the way it is done since episode 1.

Must resist the urge to drop it and see the last two episodes though^^ nonetheless you're still watching it. Imo i don't understand all the hype around it either, there are shows way better and there are shows way worse, but what i don't really get it's those haters who will allways hate some show no matter what. Or just because it's popular. About the episode, it was rather enjoyable, with hachikuji and all, but the part with hanekawa feels a little odd, because herself was strange with al that speech and trying to avoid the subject.

AO968 said: Wish I could hug a loli like Koyomi handled Mayoi. Then again, I wouldn't want her to bite my fingers off either. Anyway, nice to see some of the 'older' characters make their return again, been a long time since I saw Mayoi. Hitagi's fourth wall breaking was funny.

And speaking of Hitagi, did they change her hair color or was that because of the quality overall? Now I'm curious as to how Hanekawa's problem will be solved.Its the lighting. You'll notice that most of the characters in this episode have slightly different hair tones because of the time of day.

Hayate no Gotoku is another example where Hayate's hair looks green during sunset/sunrise. EternalDreamer said: This must be this years most OVERRATED anime. Gets real boring really fast, though I have not grown any particular interested in this series or liked the way it is done since episode 1. Must resist the urge to drop it and see the last two episodes though^^ nonetheless you're still watching it. Imo i don't understand all the hype around it either, there are shows way better and there are shows way worse, but what i don't really get it's those haters who will allways hate some show no matter what. Or just because it's popular. About the episode, it was rather enjoyable, with hachikuji and all, but the part with hanekawa feels a little odd, because herself was strange with al that speech and trying to avoid the subject.

Have I been able to endure this far I'm not going to drop the show with only 2 episodes left =P It's not all that bad and actually brings you to laugh at times, though it's no where near as good as some peoples say it is. In fact I'd say it's more annoying than good most of the time. Gavotte said: Actually, I think I heard somewhere that eps 14 and 15 are being included on one of the DVDs, so it might be a WHILE till we can get to them. If that's not true, someone please correct me. Also, what makes this show good isn't the story, it's the characters and the interaction between them.

People are looking for the wrong things if they're thinking that the show's not worth watching because there isn't a coherent plot. All in all, wish I could get my hands on the light novels. I was under the impression that the last three episodes will be ONA's. It certainly seems by how is talking about the delays that occurred due to encoding that this series is basically still in the production process.

Basically, I think that eps. 14 and 15 will probably also be released online when they are finished. But the quality in resolution and animation, like in this episode, will also probably be lacking until they release it on dvd/BD or release another high resolution version online. If anyone else has a direct link to more info please share.

Bakemonogatari's arcs have all focused on the process of saving someone from some kind of apparition. While the apparitions have changed, questions of what it means to be “saved” at all have recurred throughout. The show hasn't offered any easy solutions to this, and it has even contrasted the two poles of this question in the philosophies of Oshino and Araragi. Oshino believes people can only save themselves, even though it's clear that both his and Araragi's help are crucial to resolving these conflicts.

Bakemonogatari 13

Araragi believes there's nothing more worthwhile than saving others, even though it's clear that many of these problems can't be fixed by external solutions. This fundamental question has been echoed by Araragi's own identity issues. Araragi's desire to save others isn't just a passion, it's an obsession - to the point where he often makes terrible sacrifices in order to help near strangers. This isn't framed as a noble choice, and it shouldn't be. It's been repeatedly emphasized that Araragi's selflessness is its own kind of selfishness. Even if Araragi doesn't find value in his life, there are clearly people who care about him, and throwing himself away does a disservice to their feelings. The more you turn the show's fundamental question, the more new reflections emerge.

How does a character's philosophy on saving others reflect on their ability to trust? Is it always right to believe in the strength of others, or is acknowledging the weakness of those we love actually a part of loving them? How do we express our love, and how do we be kind, even if those we care about are going down the wrong path? How much do we owe to the people who love us?

Bakemonogatari Episode 13

Is being saved from our emotional pain even an achievable goal worth pursuing? Is love itself always a positive thing? Bakemonogatari's last few episodes can't really offer clear answers to these questions, because clear answers don't exist. These are the contradictions that make up individual identities. Any philosophy of human engagement that accounts for all possible situations is still a philosophy based on one specific view of the world, and as Bakemonogatari has repeatedly emphasized, our views of the world are all different and valid. All any of these characters can do is just muddle through the best they can.

Fortunately, Araragi does seem to be getting better at muddling. Episodes thirteen and fourteen offer a long, slow build to Araragi's confrontation with the cat, providing frustrating context for his relationship with Hanekawa.

Through conversations with Mayoi, Senjougahara, and Hanekawa herself, it becomes more clear that Hanekawa is his most obvious blind spot. While Araragi has always been eager to help others, he can't seem to recognize Hanekawa's terrible pain. He refers to her as “amazing” and “my savior,” but his very respect for her prevents him from seeing her as the flawed, vulnerable, and often jealous person she is. For Hanekawa's part, she doesn't seem able to be honest with Araragi - even when he directly interrogates her about her apparition, all she can do is ask him to explain stupid jokes.

The cat has fewer reservations. After Oshino knocks Hanekawa unconscious, the rest of this arc is dominated by a dialogue between Araragi and Black Hanekawa, who serves as our clearest example yet of the nebulous distance that separates apparition from truth. Black Hanekawa speaks repeatedly about the relationship between apparitions and humans, stating that “apparitions and humans can never be compatible.” It's impossible to “get used to” apparitions, because they're fundamentally defined by antagonism towards humans. This view is true enough, but it's incomplete. Ultimately, the fact that we can't ever “be comfortable” with apparitions doesn't mean we must purge them - it just means that all of us carry scars and pain that will never fully heal.

We are all fractured people; we all have apparitions that cloud our identities. It's perhaps a sad state of affairs, but it's the only world that exists. We are not solely defined by our victories and sources of pride; our pain and weakness is just as fundamental to our character. Framed this way, the relationship between Araragi and Hanekawa becomes more clear. Araragi is frustratingly ignorant of Hanekawa's pain, but Hanekawa has also been desperate to hide it. Hanekawa doesn't want Araragi to see all of her, so the mean, petty, and jealous instincts that she refuses to show all spin together in the form of the cat.

Black Hanekawa is Hanekawa's “ugliness” given its own identity, a character who naturally believes Araragi can never get along with creatures like itself. While Araragi's focus on Hanekawa's strengths has blinded him to her identity, Hanekawa's fear of her weaknesses has cut her off as well. In the end, the truth is obvious: Hanekawa is in love with Araragi, and Araragi has never realized it.

She hid her feelings from him because she knew that she wasn't the person he believed her to be. Contrasting sharply against Araragi and Senjougahara's vow of honesty, Hanekawa's identity is defined by rejection of self. As Black Hanekawa mocks Araragi's philosophy, we return to the show's first conversation, the camera only now allowing us to see Hanekawa's ambiguous feelings. Araragi himself is the source of Hanekawa's stress, a stress born of lies they each told themselves. Black Hanekawa's confession puts Araragi at an impossible crossroads.

On the one hand, Araragi truly has taken Hanekawa for granted and never acknowledged her feelings. While simply ceding to her wishes may be impossible, this is one case where he's been unwilling to help a friend. On the other hand, Araragi's greatest weakness has been an inability to take a stand for himself. Araragi's dedication to Senjougahara may well be the first time he's found value in his own feelings and identity - not in the way he ignorantly hero-worships Hanekawa, but as an honest equal. Left without a real answer, Araragi almost falls into his classic trap.


If Hanekawa can't have him, then Black Hanekawa will have to kill him - and just like with Kanbaru and Nadeko, that initially seems okay by him. As geysers of blood paint the pavement and his consciousness fades, Araragi's philosophy is ultimately redeemed by someone else's help.

He remembers Senjougahara's old pledge to Kanbaru - “If you let her kill you, then I'll have to kill her. Do you want to make me a murderer, Araragi?” He can't do that to Hanekawa, and he can't do that to Senjougahara. Even if it's for another's sake, Araragi at last finds value in his own life. And with that resolved, he can finally ask Shinobu to save him. Remembering Senjougahara's words and asking Shinobu for help doesn't “fix” Araragi.


He still probably doesn't value himself, and he's still pretty far away from understanding Hanekawa. His relationship with Senjougahara is defined by uneasy navigations of personal feelings, and his self-awareness can't have improved by much.

But that's all just how it goes in the end. We can't live peacefully with apparitions, but we will never escape them. We are all complicated people burdened with unique baggage, navigating individual worlds and attempting to meet in some arbitrary middle. Even acting true to our personal concepts of “honesty” won't necessarily bring communal agreement. All we can do is try to acknowledge our personal shadows, accept that everyone is fighting demons of their own, and try to help others the best we can. We may all be fighting our own battles, but we can still do it together.

Karnataka land reforms act 1961. Overall: A Bakemonogatari is currently streaming on. Nick writes about anime, storytelling, and the meaning of life.