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Jesus Aproximacion Historica Pdf

As war rages in 1944, young army lieutenant Lucas Athan recovers a sarcophagus excavated from an. Aproximacion Historica (eBook-ePub) (Biblioteca Pagola) PDF complete.

Who was the Jesus of history? A wandering sage? A penniless do-gooder?

An apocalyptic preacher? If you’re tired of all the one-dimensional labels and want to find the real Jesus, this is the right book.

Pagola begins by affirming his devotion to the Catholic Church, and his analysis overemphasizes canonical scripture just as one would expect of a confessing Christian, but this is not a book about the “Christ of Faith.” While resorting to neither evangelism nor sensationalism, Pagola tells the sim Who was the Jesus of history? A wandering sage? A penniless do-gooder? An apocalyptic preacher?

If you’re tired of all the one-dimensional labels and want to find the real Jesus, this is the right book. Pagola begins by affirming his devotion to the Catholic Church, and his analysis overemphasizes canonical scripture just as one would expect of a confessing Christian, but this is not a book about the “Christ of Faith.” While resorting to neither evangelism nor sensationalism, Pagola tells the simple story of a very human Jesus, his beliefs, dreams, ambitions, and values. I’m well-read on the topic of the historical Jesus, and I have to say, I am very impressed by the picture Pagola paints.

This is about as down-to-earth as any exposition of the life of Jesus I’ve ever read. Any more down-to-earth would be dishonest, for Jesus truly was exceptional. The result may be the most inspiring book I’ve ever read about Jesus.

This is a Jesus who desperately wants his audience to embrace what he calls the reign of God, or the kingdom of God, and who gently teaches in parable and example how it can come about. It’s a historical Jesus that is, finally, believable and consistent with the picture provided in both scripture and history. It is a Jesus we can both love and admire. A Jesus whose teachings might actually explain the following that sprang up after his death. But still a very human Jesus, with real problems. “Jesus put the honor of his family at risk when he left. His vagabond’s life, far from home, without fixed employment, performing exorcisms and strange healings, and proclaiming a disturbing message without authorization, brought shame to the whole family.” Clearly, this book is not about Christianity.

Not until the final pages of the book does Pagola discuss the religion which sprang up in Jesus’ name, or the apocalyptic expectations that arose through messianic dreams, and that short discussion of the post-resurrection Jesus may be the only place where I disagree much with Pagola’s research, finding it too simplistic. He gives the impression (perhaps not intentionally) that the meaning of Jesus’ life and resurrection were interpreted similarly by all early followers. Elsewhere, whenever Pagola’s view differs from my own, his view is the one leaning toward the consensus of other scholars, and I guess that’s a good thing. I’d put it like this: Pagola has carefully extracted the meat from contemporary Jesus scholarship and flavored it with common sense. I appreciated the author's passion (pun intended, I guess) for his subject and gained insights from this work, which, although not a difficult read, took me a while to get through. In particular, I benefited from his discussion of historical, economic and political realities at the time of Jesus.

Jesus aproximacion historicaJesus aproximacion historica de jose antonio pagola pdf

However, I got annoyed by two things. One, the reliance of the author on the consensus of a select group of current theologians as a determiner of truth. Second, the tendency - not unique to this writer I appreciated the author's passion (pun intended, I guess) for his subject and gained insights from this work, which, although not a difficult read, took me a while to get through. In particular, I benefited from his discussion of historical, economic and political realities at the time of Jesus. However, I got annoyed by two things.

One, the reliance of the author on the consensus of a select group of current theologians as a determiner of truth. Second, the tendency - not unique to this writer - to have an idea of who the 'historical Jesus' was, and then to explain away everything in the Gospels that goes against this picture. So, much as I admire this work and recommend it to others, it has led me to conclude that the 'search for the historical Jesus' is more reliable at revealing the assumptions and inclinations of the searcher than a means to create a portrait of Jesus as he was, pre-resurrection. Those of us who believe the Gospels to be written under the guidance of the Holy Spirit - i.e., the Spirit of Jesus - are thereby called to take them all to heart as written, and those who do not, probably are not that interested in this debate in the first place. Recommended for those seeking to learn more of the time and place in which Jesus lived, and to spend time reflecting on His life, lived mainly with those on the margins and on his mandate to his followers to do the same.

An interesting book on Jesus. There are many books on Jesus and this book is 'an historical approximation of Jesus'. There have been many books written to present the Historical Jesus.

Jesus Aproximacion Historica

For those who are confused about the usage of the term 'historical Jesus' a small clarification: Jesus of History and Christ of Faith. These are two major classifications in the study of Jesus. One is historical and the other is theological. Historical Jesus would mean to get near the historical figure of Jesus as An interesting book on Jesus.

There are many books on Jesus and this book is 'an historical approximation of Jesus'. There have been many books written to present the Historical Jesus. For those who are confused about the usage of the term 'historical Jesus' a small clarification: Jesus of History and Christ of Faith. These are two major classifications in the study of Jesus. One is historical and the other is theological. Historical Jesus would mean to get near the historical figure of Jesus as he lived in Galilee in his own days. Christ of Faith would indicate the theological thinking centered on and about the person of Jesus, the Son of God.

Historical Jesus has always been the subject of study for a very long time and Historical Jesus has always interested many. There have been many books on this theme and they were all highly scholarly and were too difficult for the ordinary lay readers. It is here the difference of this book lies. This is written for the lay readers (the author also states it as his intention). Though this is written for the lay readers this book does not lack the research or the use of the research materials. The author is a well known scholar and he has used all the knowledge that he had gained for the very human presentation of Jesus in today's language. In simple words, this is a research work that is readable.

An Observations as a believer: There are many revealing and refreshing details. The analysis of Jewish society of Jesus' time in Galilee and its surroundings, the analysis of Jesus' parables, the analysis of the political and religious powers that dominated the society that Jesus had, the social set up in which Jesus freely associated with the tax collectors and women, the details on crucifixion, etc shed new light on the Jesus' message of 'Reign of God' and his understanding of 'God, the Father'.

These details are never presented in a spiritual manner. They are presented in the secular language. But the impact that made on me, a believer was great. The interesting appendices: There are eight appendices and they are of utmost importance. It is here the author speaks of the research technologies that are used presently in the study of historical Jesus,the criteria to decide upon the historicity of few details used are revealed to the readers, and the stupid sensationalism and the foolish historical claims of some popular writers like Dan Brown are answered, etc. As a non- believer, if one reads the book he/she would admire the person of Jesus.

As a believer, if one reads the book he/she would love his/her Lord even more. This is really a refreshing, if long, book. The author has a far-reaching knowledge of practically all of the scholarship concerning Jesus, his life and times. Written in a popular style, the book presents a valuable portrait of Jesus, the man, without sacrificing any of his divinity. I really got the sense of getting to know Jesus better through this very thorough exploration of his life that uses the Gospels as its baseline source and brings what's there alive with everything that is known abou This is really a refreshing, if long, book.

The author has a far-reaching knowledge of practically all of the scholarship concerning Jesus, his life and times. Written in a popular style, the book presents a valuable portrait of Jesus, the man, without sacrificing any of his divinity. I really got the sense of getting to know Jesus better through this very thorough exploration of his life that uses the Gospels as its baseline source and brings what's there alive with everything that is known about the New Testament era through all of the research that has been done over the last century. The portrait that emerges is of a Jesus who is all about his relationship with his Father, and their desire to bring truly good news to a repressed people.

Along the way Jesus shocks his contemporaries' sensibilities by, among other things, treating women with a dignity and respect that was unheard of in that culture at that time, and hanging out with the people who needed him the most - sinners, prostitutes, tax collectors - not the kind of people you'd associate with holy men and women, even today. This book seems to dovetail nicely with the ministry of Pope Francis with its description of a Jesus who wants nothing more than to bring His Father's love, acceptance, and mercy to a world that is starving for those things. I imagine that some Catholics and conservative Protestants might be made uncomfortable by the places where the author strays from an orthodox interpretation of scripture based on sound scholarship. And 'liberals' may be uncomfortable with a Messiah that relates to a masculine God, or one that doesn't seem interested in political revolution as much as personal liberation from everything that demeans human happiness and dignity. But even if you don't feel comfortable with some of the things in this book, you'll get so much out of the rest. It took me forever to read this book, but it was worth the trip.

Excerpts from the review on: 'Though Jesus reconstructed through historical research is not essential for our faith, the faith demands that we use the methods available to us to have a better understanding of his historical dimension and his concrete human life. Pagola argues that this is required because Jesus Christ was incarnate in our history and he is a person of history. However, Pagola’s work is not just a pious retelling of the story of Jesus of Nazareth. But throughou Excerpts from the review on: 'Though Jesus reconstructed through historical research is not essential for our faith, the faith demands that we use the methods available to us to have a better understanding of his historical dimension and his concrete human life. Pagola argues that this is required because Jesus Christ was incarnate in our history and he is a person of history.

However, Pagola’s work is not just a pious retelling of the story of Jesus of Nazareth. But throughout this book he interacts with other Jesus scholars and sifts in an immense amount of insights on the Roman and Jewish world of first century produced by contemporary scholarship.' For more visit.