In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: SHORTER NOTICES 87 historic rightsof Englishmen but not in the moretheoretical rightsof man. The excerpts in whichthese ideasandbeliefs areembo.ed,varying in length froma single sentence orepigram toseveral pages, arechosen toillustrate also the historic evolution of Conservatism from,the French Revolution,tothe presen.t, from Burkeand Coleridge to T.S. Eliot and QuintinHogg. Peelis drawnuponextensively to present the attitude of Co-hservatism to political change in theAgeof Reform, Disraeli andLordRandolph Churchill toexplain ToryDemocracy, Disraeli andJoseph Chamberlain to put thecase forEmpire. Readers mayrecallpassages whichtheywouldhaveliked,tos.eincluded in one or other of the volumes,but within the limits which the editors have setforthemselves,they have been remarkably successful in illustrating aspects of theBritish political tradition bymeans of selections varied, representative, and of historical interest.
Books by Patrick Henry Winston and Friends. Textbooks in the On To Series On To Java, Third Edition Sundar Narasimhan, Coauthor. Software: you can obtain the software by cutting and pasting from the Available from. On To Smalltalk. Available from. Software: you can obtain the software by cutting and pasting from the On To C.
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